Sometimes people can be uncomfortable in the presence of a person with disability, because they’re not sure how to act or what to say. Interactions might feel awkward or forced but they don’t need to be. Being inclusive is pretty straightforward, and when our communities are truly inclusive, everyone benefits.

Disability comes in many shapes and forms, and it is not always visible. Some people are born with a disability, others acquire one, often after an accident. Not all disabilities can be seen, many are ‘invisible,’ such as psychosocial disability or early onset dementia. Regardless of the type of disability a person may have, there’s nothing for anyone to be afraid of. A person with disability is a person with the same human rights as anyone else… so why would you talk down to them, ignore them or treat them like a stereotype?

“When our communities are diverse and inclusive, everyone is treated with respect and support to live the life they want to live.”

The team at Mosaic want to introduce, influence and secure positive long-term changes in society, to remove barriers and tackle practices that discriminate to make sure the rights, interests, and well-being of people with disabilities are achieved, upheld, and protected. We should live in a community where all people have a full and valued life with the freedom to make their own choices.
Here are six simple ways you can help to make our community more inclusive for people living with disability.

  1. Speak directly to a person with disability – When you meet a person with disability who is accompanied by someone else, talk directly to them if you are having a conversation or asking a question. If you ignore them and just speak to their friend, carer, Disability Support Worker, or anyone else, it’s the opposite of inclusion… and it’s just disrespectful. And don’t assume that a person with disability is not their own decision maker. Assumptions like this are disempowering and often wrong.
  2. Avoid stereotypes – Sometimes people think that everyone who has a disability shares similar experiences, but the reality is that they represent a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique story. It’s so important to avoid stereotypes because they can be harmful and often wildly inaccurate. A person with disability is an individual.
  3. Always ask before giving assistance – Just because a person has a disability, it doesn’t automatically mean that they need or want your help. Even when your actions are very well meant, leaping in and assuming that they need your assistance can send the message that you think the person is less than capable of doing whatever it is that they are doing than you are. You are removing choice and taking away control. No one likes to feel disempowered or less than someone else.
  4. Actively engage with people with disability – People living with disability are a part of our community and should be treated as such. Everyone – including those living with disability – need to feel seen and heard and valued. We can do this by actively engaging with individuals with respect and without making assumptions.
  5. Do your part to make our community accessible – In a café? Ask the person in a wheelchair trying to get through if you can move that chair for them and pick up your backpack from the floor where it may get in the way of the wheels.
  6. Talk to your kids about disability – Talk openly to children about disability to break down stereotypes and incorrect assumptions. This is important because an inclusive community that truly values diversity starts with children, as they grow into adults.

About Mosaic
At Mosaic, we open up a world of possibilities and experiences. And we do it together, one client and life goal at a time. As a registered not-for-profit NDIS provider, we deliver personalised NDIS co-ordination, independent living, community and lifestyle support services. We give people with disability across Perth – and their families – more choices, control and independence.

Whatever you want in your life – more independence, new friends, your own home, a new hobby or a job – we’re here to provide support and a solution that works for you. Contact us for a chat.

This article originally appeared on Perth Now, June 2022: See Article