The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) gives people with disability more choice and control. We’ll help you make sense of it.

We’re an approved NDIS provider helping clients in Perth, WA.

This means you can use your NDIS funding to pay for our support services, safe in the knowledge we operate in accordance with standards for NDIS providers set by the Quality and Safeguards Commission.

In other words, as a registered NDIS service provider, we do things the right way and we’re continually improving everything we do to meet the changing needs of people with disability.

Our services:

It also means we understand the NDIS and we can help you navigate and use the NDIS to access the support you need to live the life you want.

Get our help with the NDIS

Understanding the NDIS

The NDIS provides funding for supports and services for people with disability. Instead of providing block funding to agencies and community organisations, the NDIS gives funding directly to people with a disability.

If you’re eligible for NDIS funding, you can use it to pay for the supports you need to live your life and:

  • focus on pursuing your goals, objectives and aspirations
  • increase your independence
  • increase social and economic participation
  • develop your capacity to actively take part in the community.

This can include education, employment, community participation, living arrangements, and health and wellbeing support services.

Download the NDIS’s Understanding the NDIS booklet for detailed information, or the Easy Read version for an easy-to-understand summary.

Eligibility for NDIS funding.

To be eligible for the NDIS you must be under the age of 65 and living with a disability that means you need supports to live your life and participate in the community.

Read the NDIS’s Understanding the NDIS booklet (or download the Easy Read version) for more information about eligibility. Alternatively, check out the NDIS’s eligibility checklist or contact our NDIS Support Coordination team.

Get our help with the NDIS

How much do our services cost?

For a rundown of our current fees and charges, download our Rates Schedule.

Our rates schedule

Let us help you navigate the NDIS.

Our NDIS Support Coordinators are here to explain the NDIS, confirm your eligibility and help you plan and manage your NDIS providers in Perth. Get in touch to arrange an informal chat and explore your options.

Contact Us