Learn2Adult Coaching
Introducing our Learn2Adult Coaching Service
Last year, Mosaic launched Learn2Adult and its Decision-Making Roadmap tool for teenagers, young adults, and adults living with disability. Learn2Adult prepares young people to take control of their lives and become confident adult decision-makers, as well as assisting families with this transition.
You can access the Learn2Adult decision-making roadmap tool in two ways. Get started with our new interactive digital version or download the Learn2Adult workbook from our website.
One-to-one coaching
For those who would benefit from ongoing support, Mosaic offers one-to-one individualised Learn2Adult coaching service.
Our dedicated Learn2Adult Coach works with teenagers and young adults living with disability. Tailored coaching sessions will help you to use the Learn2Adult Decision-Making Roadmap tool to provide a smoother, less stressful, and more effective transition to adulthood.
You can choose to have coaching online or face-to-face in your own home, at the Mosaic Office in Jandakot, or somewhere else that suits you.
All Learn2Adult coaching sessions are one-to-one, tailored to your unique needs, and completely confidential.
Register now!
If you are interested in taking advantage of this service, you can register now via our online Referral Form or email hello@mosaic.org.au. Our Learn2Adult Coach will get in touch with you to talk about coaching.
Introducing our coach
Meet Sophie Hope – our wonderful Learn2Adult Coach. Sophie is passionate about nurturing the growth and wellbeing of teenagers and young adults. She loves helping them to thrive and feel empowered, so their quality of life is enhanced.
Sophie’s experience covers both the childcare and disability sectors, giving her the ideal background for this role. She has a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and a Certificate IV in Community Services. And when she isn’t being our Learn2Adult Coach, Sophie enjoys playing netball and spending time with friends and family.
Frequently asked questions
- Who is eligible for Learn2Adult coaching?
Learn2Adult coaching is open to any young person with disability who would benefit from supported decision-making skills. The aim of the coaching service is to provide the young person with ongoing support in setting actionable goals and enhancing their decision-making skills. Our Learn2Adult coach will design tailored one-to-one sessions to assist the young person in achieving their goals.
- Where do the coaching sessions happen?
We’re pretty flexible about the coaching venue. You can come to our office in Jandakot, we can go to your home, provide the coaching sessions online, or we can meet at another venue in the Perth metro area such as a local café or library. Please note that if you’re located outside the Perth Metropolitan area, coaching will only be offered online.
- Do you need NDIS funding to access Learn2Adult?
You can access the Learn2Adult coaching service via NDIS funding or on a fee-for-service basis.
If using NDIS funding, you must have Increased Social and Community Participation included in your NDIS plan. If you are unsure whether you have access to this funding, please contact our friendly team at hello@mosaic.org.au for assistance.
If you don’t have a NDIS plan, we can offer Learn2Adult coaching on a fee-for-service basis. The pricing will be as per the NDIS Price Guide at $77.00 per hour of coaching support.
- How many hours should I allocate towards coaching to meet my goal?
Face-to-face coaching: We recommend that you allocate between 20-35 hours at minimum to successfully progress through and document one chosen life area on the roadmap.
Telehealth: Telehealth option is also available. We recommend that you allocate between 15-25 hours at minimum (for one life area) if you choose to receive coaching support via Telehealth.
Additional life area: If you would like to work on additional life areas, we recommend allocating 10-20 hours per additional life area.
Pricing: The pricing, as per the NDIS Price Guide, is at $77.00 per hour of coaching support.
- What coaching services are included as part of the fee?
Learn2Adult coaching fees are for face-to-face coaching or tele-based tasks related to the coaching program. These include travel to and from appointments, personalised planning sessions, resource development, and progress reporting.
- Who can come with me to the coaching sessions?
It’s important to have a support person with you at the coaching sessions such as a family member, guardian, allied health professional, or your support coordinator.
Any other questions?
If you have any questions about Learn2Adult Coaching, you are welcome to contact us at (08) 9314 8900 or hello@mosaic.org.au.