The Mosaic Guiding Principles

In Response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

Mosaic welcomes the Royal Commission’s findings into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. In responding to these findings, we will be driven by our values in the following ways:

We will be authentic and transparent

  • We will be open and responsive to the findings of the Royal Commission.
  • We will engage with and address matters that arise from the Royal Commission findings for our clients, families, staff and volunteers.

We will seek to empower

  • We will provide a means for our clients, families, staff and volunteers to speak up and have their voice heard.
  • We will maintain and convey our zero tolerance for matters of abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation.

We will be courageous in our actions

  • We will take responsibility for all of our actions and reflect with the intent to learn.
  • We will be proactive in discussions and actions that support a future where people with disability do not experience abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation.

We will connect and collaborate

  • We will be open, timely and responsive in our communication with clients, family, staff and volunteers about Royal Commission findings.
  • We will collaborate with people with disabilities, those who represent or support them, government departments and disability sector organisations to create a better future for people with disability in Australia.

We will take responsibility to achieve excellence

  • We will act quickly to address the concerns of any clients, families, staff, or volunteers.
  • We will draw on the outcomes of the Royal Commission to continue to improve our services, systems, governance, policies and procedures.

The Royal Commission’s Final Report

The extensive final report recently released by the Royal Commission consists of 12 volumes and makes 222 recommendations on how to improve laws, policies, structures and practices to ensure a more inclusive and just society that supports the independence of people with disability and their right to live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. You can access the final report, short videos on various segments and the Executive Summary here.  Also available are two Easy Read versions which can be downloaded below:

Contact the Royal Commission

If you wish to contact the Royal Commission you can:

  • Write a letter: Post it to GPO Box 1422, Brisbane Queensland 4001
  • Email:
  • Call and speak to someone who can help: 1800 517 199 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday AEDT excluding public holidays)

Do you need an advocate?

If you are seeking an advocate, we have a list on our Helpful Resources page.

Additional Information and Resources

Easy-to-Read Fact Sheet

The Royal Commission Website

Public Comment – Mosaic Previous CEO Ms Pippa Cebis

Download How Give Feedback or Make a Submission Card

Contact Mosaic Quality and Safeguarding Team (details on our contact page)